Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Power of Music

By: Ebony L. McCline
If there was one thing that united people of all races, ages, and beliefs, it would be music. In a world where there are many different opinions, many different perspectives, and very few things that people can agree upon, music is the one thing that has the power to bring us all together. 
Michael Jackson sold out a number of concerts and if you were to look into the audience, you would see a diverse group of people when it comes to both age and race. Even if you were not a fan of the person, you were definitely a fan of his music, which touched many souls. During his lifetime, people fainted at the sight of him and after he left this Earth, some people went as far as to take their own lives. 
Throughout my life, I have yet to meet someone who disliked MJ’s music. I have yet to meet someone who argued against him being crowned the “King of Pop.” For a long time, I couldn’t wrap my head around the thought that someone could have the ability to produce music that evoked so much emotion just by listening to a particular track. 

As I got older, I begin to understand that music, despite the particular artist, is what held all the power. Music has the power to take you to a particular moment, good or bad, and for the length of the song, you re-live that moment whether you want to or not. Pretty powerful, right? With that said, if you’re feeling down, playing your favorite song could do wonders for your mood. The same is true if you’re on a high and you feel as though you need to take it down a notch, your favorite song could mellow you out. 
We listen to music at parties. We listen to music in the car. We listen to music at the gym. We listen to music in the shower, while we cook, and while we clean. Some people even need music to lull them to sleep each night. So, what is it about music that has such an affect on us all? Maybe it’s the fact that even though many things will change, the mere existence of music will always remain the same. 

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