Monday, April 13, 2009

She Got Her Own...But She Doesn't Have a Man

By Bonita Holmes

With songs like “She Got Her Own” and “Ms. Independent” both by R&B singer Neyo, a woman who appears to not need a man for anything is the new “it” attitude. This much is true for many professional young women who are successful and more than financially stable. With being young and career-oriented, as women, we tend to get wrapped up in creating this ambitious scenario of success for ourselves, leaving no room for male companionship or marriage for that matter. Such an idea raises the question as to why so many professional, sophisticated women are single. Are we too busy for our own good? Or maybe it's that men are too intimidated with our "I got it" demeanor.

Is it worth having a high success drive with no special person to share it with? Or is a career enough to keep you warm at night?

1 comment:

  1. In my humble opinion, I think men are a little intimidated by women who don't portray the typical, I-need-you attitude. Maybe they feel more comfortable when put in the more traditional position because tradition does influence us to behave as if men are the 'providers and protectors' so when they aren't necessarily needed in that way, they may feel out of their element.

    On the other hand, it could also be that some (not all) of the more professional women don't make time to have a serious relationship included in their lives. Especially if moving up in the business world is important, women may feel that they have to work harder than the average male to get where they want to be. There simply may not be enough time to incorporate much more than work into their everyday lives.
