Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gas Prices: We'll Keep Complaining, but We'll Keep Paying

 By: Ebony L. McCline

Within the past week, gas prices have risen more than 20 cents in most places nationwide. Now, this isn't a revelation that only I have witnessed, but since it seems to be the topic of almost every conversation that I’ve had lately, it’s only right to address it.

When most people see the rising cost of gas, while passing the local gas station, the immediate reaction is “what in the world is going on?” I highly doubt people delve into the real reason behind us paying more at the pump each week.

The sudden hike is no doubt attributed to the rise of crude oil’s price, which happens to be the highest it’s been in the previous three years. How does more than $100 a barrel sound? Not good!

Of course gas prices are different depending on where you live, but places like California and Hawaii are already on the brink of $4.00 per gallon, while Montana and Wyoming are closer to $3.00 per gallon. Most of us are somewhere in between, but I’m sure we can agree that when $3.00 per gallon seems appealing, something is truly wrong. Whatever it is, I hope it gets fixed soon!

Many driver’s are left complaining, because in reality, what’s the other options? Public transportation? Car pooling? Minimize driving? While these all sound good, for most people, these options aren’t realistic. So, even though we complain, we’ll continue to pay, no matter how high it gets.

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